Sunday, December 2, 2012


Rainy weather sketching in the little moleskine. The first one here is an exploration in color and composition of an old oil painting I did of some Monterey pines out at Baker Beach in San Francisco. I liked the basic idea, but something about it just didn't sit well with me. I'll do another larger oil version based on this gouache composition sketch. The second was trying to capture some other pines near the Legion of Honor. The rainy day created a nice misty and mysterious feeling in the trees that I found appealing.

 Both are watercolor and gouache in my mini watercolor moleskine. I found some new found inspiration in this medium from a workshop I took given by the amazing Erik Tiemens. Coincidentally, I just went to a gallery opening last night featuring Erik, and another favorite (and all around nice guy) Terry Miura at the Holton Studio Gallery down the street from me. If you're in the area (even if you're not!) you owe it to yourself to see these gorgeous paintings in person, the web just can't do them justice.