Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mt Diablo... again

A quickie from last month from one of my default spots. This is in the field at the crossroad of Claremont Ave., Grizzly Peak Blvd. and Fish Ranch Rd. in the Oakland/Berkeley hills. I just love this spot because there are so many views packed into such a small area. You can stand in the field and spin around 360 degrees and have a compelling composition. Factor in time of day and you have a life time of paintings. Added bonus on this day was a guy practicing his bagpipes at the top of the field, cool!

Grizzly Peak Blvd. X Claremont O/P 8x10


Mike Dutton said...

You mad man! So many beautiful paintings in such a short span of time. Glad to see the weather treated you right up there this time too.

I love the blues in Diablo, the shadowy violets in that tectonic shelving (like how I'm making up technical terms?), and how those middle ground dark blue-greens just pull it all together.

Pablo VillicaƱa Lara said...

Hey Jimmy! Beautiful painting!

I bet you'd like Mitchell Canyon at the base of Mount Diablo. . . . lots of changing scenery, raw earth and rolling hilly meadows AND there's even a little river running through it! (ok, it's a creek but I call most running water a river) I think if you go far enough you reach a waterfall during the spring. Everything is brown now. . in a good way.

enb said...

good one jimmy g!

hj said...

first visit and very nice paintings!

JimmyG said...

Mike and Ian- Thanks fellers! I hope to get more going, but I'm in the middle of moving house (to a house!) so definitely once the dust settles...

Pablo- Funny you should mention Mitchell Canyon and brown. I've painted there once in the exuberance of spring green-ness, and it was a disaster! The greens were SO vibrant that I was at a loss for how to capture them truthfully and not make it look horrible. Gurney wrote about this just recently.
I'll try again with more sensible earth tones : )

Bienvenue Helene! Et merci! And that's about as far as my limited French goes. Your paintings "Portrait de femme", "Entrechat", and "Et soudain des coquelicots" have the wonderful energy of Van Gogh! (I love Van Gogh)

Pablo VillicaƱa Lara said...

Yeah, greens are hard for me, the north end of Mt. D. looks like Ireland in spring time! I prefer more earthy browns cause I can actually see those colors (I'm red and green color blind)

Marea Palmer-Loh said...

Hey Jimmy, I just found your blog, and I'm so happy for you, it seems things are really falling into place! Give us a call sometime and we can catch up over some poker or coffee!

Marea Palmer-Loh said...
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